“I’ve been skinny all my life and then suddenly now I’m overweight… Help!”

Learn about an Unusual Approach to After-40 Weight Gain and the #1 Biggest Mistake to Avoid If You Want to Fix the Problem.

Note: This article is not for everyone. It's specifically for you if you've only started gaining weight since turning 40.

I’ve spent 14 years running a weight loss clinic on Harley Street in London where I only see women over 40 (and now also via Zoom).

The approach to weight loss I’m going to talk about is probably different to ones you’ve heard before, but it’s especially effective if:

  • You’ve been slim most of your life

  • You only started gaining weight after 40

  • You’ve found dieting to be useless (and exhausting!)

A Familiar Story

It hurts to lose something you once had.

That’s how Sarah felt when she first walked into my consulting room.

All her life she had been able to manage her weight. While others constantly yoyoed, Sarah seemed to have everything under control. Among her friends, Sarah had always been “the slim one”.

But then she hit 40. And something changed.

“My clothes don’t fit anymore”

Suddenly everything became a lot more difficult.

Sarah came back from weekends away, a pound heavier, and found it hard to lose the extra weight again (something she had never experienced before).

From being someone who had never had a “belly” she was now watching in horror as it was growing in size.

Some of her clothes were becoming tight or even no longer wearable.

Sarah felt like she was losing control of her body.

And the worst thing? 

She had no idea what to do about it.

What if nothing is working?

Nothing Sarah tried was working. 

- Be more ‘careful’ about what she was eating? No, didn’t work.

- Get more exercise? No, made no difference.

- Skip lunch? Not only was it an unpleasant effort but it didn’t work.

It was so frustrating. Sarah was also worried that her weight just going to keep on going up from now on. That she was doomed to “getting older and fatter”.

That’s what had prompted her to call up my office to come in and speak to me. 


The Good News

If you’re someone like Sarah, who has always been slim and only started gaining weight after 40, I’ve got some great news for you.

The fact that you had managed to maintain your weight till the age of 40, means that you actually have a strong foundation of good eating habits.

Even if it may not feel like that right now, you only need to look around and see other people’s food habits to know that you’re nothing like them! Otherwise you would have gained weight long ago and not just since turning 40.

But this is where many people make a BIG mistake that undermines their ability to turn things around.

With Dr K’s programme, I can meet my friends, go out for dinner, go on holiday, go to parties…It’s easy, it feels so good and I can live my life as normal.

Marie M
(Click here for full review)

The Number One Mistake to Avoid at All Costs

When nothing you’re doing is working, it’s natural to look around to see what others are trying, desperate for any potential solutions.

The problem is if you look around, all you see is people going on DIETS.

And so you think “Maybe I need to go on a diet”.

But this is the exact wrong thing to do.

By going on a diet, you’re replacing your usual habits with a different (unnatural) way of eating.

Remember that since you only started gaining weight after 40, you have a good foundation of habits. You wouldn’t have been able to maintain your weight for so long if that wasn’t the case.

Dieting Leads to Misery … And it Doesn’t Work

Following a diet means throwing out your existing relationship with food to follow the diet plan:

- You start obsessing over food choices. Paradoxically, the more you obsess over food, the harder it gets to lose weight. And the more unpleasant life is.

- Feeling deprived and guilty about eating

- Dreading normal sociable food experiences like parties or restaurants

- Making food the enemy. This sense of deprivation is what makes dieting so unsustainable. Who wants to be miserable forever?

“Dr K’s advice helps you to rethink your relationship to food and eating. His advice is realistic, fits in with your real life and above all is achievable.

What are you waiting for?”

Sue D
(Click here for full review)

Don’t, don’t, don’t diet.

It’s the wrong approach for you.

If your brand new car had a dent in it, you wouldn’t replace the entire car, would you? You’d fix the dent.

So instead of throwing out your entire relationship with food to go on a diet, you’re much better off fixing the parts that need fixing.

“For me, the change in self image, self confidence and a general positivity to life as a woman in her 40s/50s was a takeaway I didn't expect.”

Sibe W
(Click here for full review)

Get Back to You

One of my clients was a lawyer who had always been slim until she got married in her mid-thirties.

From that point on, her weight started increasing (I blame the husband!).

And for someone who had never had to think about her weight before, she was desperate to get back what she had.

She would often say to me: “I want to get back to me”.

She felt like this, not just because her body was different, but because she had lost her familiar way of eating.

She had lost touch with her old relationship with food.

And so the solution really does mean “getting back to you”.

This means instead of “replacing” (your regular eating with a diet plan), it’s about “reconnecting”.

This is How You Do It

What does reconnection mean?

Remember what life was like before you started gaining weight?

  • You hardly thought about eating

  • You didn’t restrict yourself

  • If you overate one day, you didn’t panic and go on a diet the next day

You were connected to your body. You knew what it needed and you were attuned to it.

This is what has been lost.

And this is what we need to recapture.

It’s actually not that hard to do, but you won’t get there by dieting.

You don’t need someone else to tell you what to eat.

You just need to recapture those old habits.

Let me show you how to do it.

What to do next

The best way to find out about my approach is to book a Discovery Session Zoom call with me.

But let’s not rush into anything. After all, we only just met!

First, why not try my free 5 day email course where I introduce my weight loss approach.

In the course, you’ll learn:

  • The Indispensable weight loss tip that will help you reconnect with your natural hunger signals.

  • How to eat less without spending every moment obsessing over food and food decisions.

  • The key to recapturing your old good habits (that you might have thought were lost for good) that will have you feeling like you’ve gone back in time.

Sign up to the course, by filling in this form: